Angela Gavrilescu
Motto: “Put yourself to work with all your heart and you will succeed. The competition is so little…” (Elbert Hubbard)
About me:
Since college I started working as an intern in the sales department, then in the marketing department, in_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5 sicf58d_ development of local brands in an entrepreneurial company (Topway SA), later taken over by a multinational company.
I continued in brand management in Beiersdorf, leader in the cosmetic and skin care market, where for 10 years I held various positions in the marketing department. Am construit branduri puternice avand alaturi o echipa minunata, iar in perioada 2009-2011 am held the position of Marketing Manager within the company.
In 2011, I joined The Network team with the desire to transfer the accumulated professional experience to help companies grow._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b_58d_136
Projects extremely dear to me:
SECOM - Strategic planning - implementation of a new business model - 2015-2017
Autoboca - Strategic planning - implementation of a new business model - 2014-2016
Project management - national tourism brand – 2011-2014
How and in what areas could I help:
Business strategy formulation/Strategic planning/Strategy execution
Marketing strategy
Brand architecture
Integrated communication
Operational marketing